我相信來這邊看到這篇文章的人,有很多人是搜尋關鍵字:愛利希體、利什曼原蟲 來的








台灣 - 沒有驗!沒有驗!沒有驗!!!!!!!!



愛利希體 Ehrilchia - 得使用 IFA技術檢驗, 全台灣只有台灣屏東大學獸醫系的分子生物研究所,可以驗愛利希體,但是是使用澳洲不承認的PCR方式檢驗!

利什曼原蟲 Leishmania - 得使用IFA 或 ELISA 技術檢驗 ,我打台灣農委會、台大醫院,獸醫院,通通找不到可以驗的地方,因為台灣沒有這種傳染病。


為甚麼我提到香港? 因為我原本想說香港至少離台灣近,第一運費低,第二也許程序比較簡單,第三他們說中文。 (事後證明我還是得用英文跟香港人溝通,因為他們普通話說的不好)



找了兩間實驗室,好不容易找到一間有驗,但是最後結果是他們不接受血清輸入,只接受在香港的血清。 冏



好啦!!所以總歸一句話,最後還是得送新加坡驗!!  (怎樣都還是比送澳洲便宜)



1. 參考農委會的這個網頁





輸出聲明書 (doc格式)
血清輸出申請表 (doc格式)
台灣農委會的動作很慢! 雖然陳小姐態度很好,可是真的慢慢慢慢慢!!!
聯絡窗口(02) 3343-2051 上次的陳小姐態度很好,這次接電話的一個男生,態度之差的!!讓人很想摔電話! 公務員可不可以不要有這種老鼠屎阿?
資料傳真至 (02)23963691 陳小姐





松山 2545-7852

基隆 2424-7363 轉224 詹小姐






新加坡這次我跟另外一位小姐Geok Hua Chan洽談而不是Amy Chan(詳見之前的文章)

兩位小姐都一樣親切 Helpful喔!!


1.              Registration of veterinarians who collect the samples  
(this step is applicable to veterinarians who has yet to register with AVA)


如果是沒有跟AVA配合過的獸醫,必須準備以下資料註冊 (這步驟有點煩,因為要跟獸醫要比較私人的文件,所以我找回2010年幫我辦理的佳佳獸醫院拜託蕭醫師,這樣我才不用跟基隆新興獸醫院要這些私人文件一次)

For veterinarians submitting samples to Singapore for the first time, he/she will have to register with AVA. Registration is an once-off application that takes about two working days.

The veterinarian has to submit the following via email to Chan_Geok_Hua@ava.gov.sgJulie_CHUA@ava.gov.sg, and YIP-NG_Sou_Cheng@ava.gov.sg or fax (+65 6316 1090):

(a) the registration form (Format_Vet.doc)

(b) a copy of his/her veterinary qualification and

(c) the licence to practise (in country where vet practices his profession)  

2.              Laboratory Submission Form and Veterinary Health Certificate

Before arranging for the sending of samples, the registered veterinarian has to submit the completed copies of the following forms to us via email or fax:

在血清輸出前,要把以下兩份文件Email or Fax 傳給AVA人員

(a)  Sample Submission Form  血清檢驗詳細資料

(b)  the Veterinary Health Certificate (File: Format of Vet Cert for Samples from Dogs or Cats.doc)  獸醫抽血聲明書     

3.              Letter of Permit for Import of Diagnostic Samples  

A letter of permit for the import of the sample will be issued for the veterinarian’s use upon confirmation that documents are in order.


4.              Packaging of sample


Sample should be placed in a screw-capped, leak-proof container and then in a second leak-proof container containing absorbent material in case of spillage. The sample should be shipped together with a cold (frozen) gel pack (not ice), together with the original import licence, submission form and veterinary certificate. The specimens must be securely packed in tamper proof packaging and transported in compliance with IATA requirements for diagnostic specimens.

5.              Shipping of specimen (as cargo through courier agents)

這個項目告訴你應該怎麼寄送你的血清 (我會再寫另外一篇文章詳述)

(a) Attach 1 copy each of the following documents outside the parcel

(i)  A valid copy of letter of permit (refer to point 3)

(ii)  the completed laboratory submission form (refer to point 2a) and

(iii)  the Veterinary Certificate for Import of Clinical/Pathological Specimens into Singapore (refer to point 2b)

(b)  Courier agent to make Tradenet declaration to obtain a copy of the Cargo Clearance Permit (CCP which has a validity of 7 days)

(c)  Inform Animal & Plant Health Centre (APHC) and Changi Animal & Plant Quarantine (CAPQ) via email or fax, the consignment details (airway bill or tracking no. and also the expected date and time of arrival of the shipment) once parcel has been sent out.

(d)  Courier to arrange with CAPQ for the inspection of the package before delivery to APHC. Samples and original supporting documentsMUST BE inspected and endorsed by AVA Officer at CAPQ or Tuas Checkpoint before delivering to APHC. Samples which are not inspected upon submission to APHC will not be accepted for testing.

6.              Hand-carried packages

By Air

Inform CAPQ the confirmed arrival date and time. Upon arrival at the passenger terminal, hand over the package and the photocopy of the Letter of permission to the Lost and Found counter. Submitter will have to come down to CAPQ with all original documents for the inspection of the package and deliver it to APHC after the AVA officer has endorsed on the letter of permission.



7.              Addresses and contacts  血清寄送地址

          (a)   CAPQ:

Changi Animal & Plant Quarantine

Changi Airfreight Centre

C7 Airport Cargo Road, Singapore 918104

Tel: 65-6545 7523 fax: 65-6545 3023

Monday to Saturday  : 8am to 10.30pm (Close on Sunday and Public


*In order that samples can be submitted to APHC on the day of inspection, please arrange for parcel to be inspected between 8am to 3pm.


         (b)   APHC :

Animal & Plant Health Centre

6 Perahu Road

Singapore 718827

Tel: 65-6316 5168 / 6316 5188

Opening Hours: Mon-Thu 8am to 5pm, Fri 8am to 4.30pm

8.              Payment

The laboratory fee for rabies serology is $78.75 per sample. Payment for laboratory fee can be made on submission of sample if you do not have an account with us. If you are overseas, the payment can be made on-line using credit card. Do let us know your preferred mode of payment so that we will be able to assist you accordingly.

9.              Laboratory Results

The laboratory results will be faxed or mailed to you or the submitting veterinarian (as specified) within 10 days after the receipt of samples. The result can only be released after payment for the tests has been made.

10.          Contact  聯絡人

Mrs Chan Geok Hua                 Tel: (65) 6316 5188
Ms Julie Chua                            Tel: (65) 6316 5190
Mrs Yip-Ng Sou Cheng            Tel: (65) 6316 5148







1. must be tested for Ehrlichia canis infection by an Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test (IFAT).S$71.40 per dog


2. must be taken by a Government Approved Veterinarian from the dog and tested for Leishmania infantum using either an indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) or an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) within 45 days before export. The test must produce a negative result. S$74.90 per dog


3. must be taken by a Government Approved Veterinarian from the dog and tested for Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola using a microscopic agglutination test (MAT) within 45 days before export. The test must produce a negative result (less than 50% agglutination) at a serum dilution of 1:100. S$53.55 per dog



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